
理发师正在为一位男顾客理发.Jumpstart Your Career with the nba买球正规网站 Barbering Program

Do you love helping clients look sharp and feel their best? 如果是这样,你可能会成为一名专业理发师! If you’re searching for the top barber schools in Houston to jumpstart or further your education, 看看nba买球正规网站就知道了. Our students are exposed to a diverse and well-rounded curriculum that will prepare them for their future careers in barbering or other related career avenues.

如果你正在寻找休斯顿的理发学校, consider nba买球正规网站 for our commitment to offering an outstanding learning environment and nurturing every student’s talent. Here is everything you need to know about our accredited barbering program.


Choosing the right barber school for you can be a challenge, 尤其是在休斯顿这样的大城市, but where you choose to study barbering is extremely important. 去休斯顿找最好的理发学校, take a look at the curriculum to feel out not only what you will be learning but how you will be learning it.


Just like all of our other beauty school programs at nba买球正规网站, our barbering curriculum consists of more than just the basics. We focus on teaching you not only the skills that you will need to tend to clients on a daily basis, but also the skills needed to thrive as a barbering professional. 因为这个行业并不总是那么简单, we want to best prepare all of our students for their licensing exams and what is to come after they graduate.


  • 定位,理论,沙龙管理
  • 洗发水,漂洗剂和头皮护理
  • 化学重新整理(烫发和放松剂)
  • 染发和漂白
  • 发型和剪发
  • nba买球正规网站
  • 面部和其他皮肤护理
  • 剃须
  • 和更多的!

理发师是个好职业吗? The great thing about barbering is that it takes facets from cosmetology, 美学, and manicuring that allows you to provide a wide range of services to your clients! 不仅仅是剪头发或剃须, barbering can give you a real creative outlet in your day-to-day career.


在休斯敦培训学校, our programs are hybrid models of in-class learning and 实践学习. 为什么动手学习很重要? Because barbering requires a tactile understanding of different hair types, 纹理, 和风格, 通过积极参与动手学习, students develop the skills and precision essential for mastering various cutting and styling techniques.

此外, 实践学习 allows students to refine their interpersonal and customer service skills, a required trait for success in the industry and something that they can’t gain from simply reading a textbook. Part of our curriculum requires students to provide services to the public, 作为一个有抱负的理发师, 能让你学以致用,而且 建立你的客户 通过与现实生活中的客户建立联系. The 实践学习 experience is invaluable to barbering students and nba买球正规网站 is dedicated to creating a challenging yet nurturing learning environment.


We believe that diversity and 包容 should be a crucial part of every barbering program. 作为一个 自然发型学校, you will learn how to work with all different types of clients. 不幸的是, not every barber school teaches their students how to work with natural hair, leaving students unprepared and with wide gaps in their resume. nba买球正规网站 believes that every barber should be able to service a wide range of clients and their needs, 所以我们的项目才会尽可能的包容.

Because our student body is represented by 40 different countries, all of our barber classes are taught in both English and Spanish, so that Spanish-speaking students who want to attend our Houston barber school won’t have to worry about language barriers.


All barbering students at nba买球正规网站 are required to finish the 1,000-hour curriculum that typically takes up to 40 weeks to complete. 然而, 因为我们有灵活的时间安排, students can choose to attend classes that best suit their schedule and can complete the program at their own pace. 这个选项最适合父母, 兼职或全职工作的人, or those who feel that a regular schedule does not suit their personal needs and learning styles.

In order to qualify to take your barbering license exam in the state of Texas, 你必须完成并通过1,000小时计划, 以及nba买球正规网站, 你可以按照适合自己生活方式的节奏来做.


Our barbering program at nba买球正规网站 comes complete with a well-rounded curriculum for $11,100. 然而, we do have financing options available so that you can attend your program stress-free.

nba买球正规网站就是其中之一 接受经济援助的nba官方正规买球网站学校 in Houston and provides multiple financial aid options so that we can help our students graduate without debt. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask during your campus tour or 联系 我们办公室的一位行政人员.

Enroll in the nba买球正规网站 barbering program today!

你可能会想, 理发师学校值得吗? Although education is not a route that everyone will take, 我们相信,如果你是一个有抱负的理发师, getting a quality barbering education will benefit you greatly in the short- and long-term.

If you are looking for a Houston barber school that offers a diverse curriculum, 实践学习, 包容, 财政援助, 你来对地方了. nba买球正规网站 nurtures the talents of students from all walks of life who aspire to have a career in hair or 美学.

不像休斯顿的其他理发学校, nba买球正规网站 is an esteemed 气 Partner School that prides ourselves on providing our barbering students with the essential tools and skills required to thrive in this dynamic field. Your journey towards success in the industry begins with us at nba买球正规网站. 立即在线申请 开始你的职业理发师生涯!

独家  合作学校(休斯顿,德克萨斯州)